Take care of your thoughts, because they will become words.
Take care of your words, because they will turn into action.
Take care of your action, because it might turn into a habit.
Take care of your habits, because they will become your character.
Take care of your character, for it will form your destiny.

Source: Talmud


Am Kamp 13
27612 Nesse

+53° 27' 27.33”, +8° 36' 58.55”

+49 (0) 4744 73 06 23



This is a translation project to get the "The Debian Administrator's Handbook!" into German language. Here I organize the translation.
Once we started with SimplePO on our local webside to translate several text areas, we now use a central tool.

Bürger helfen Bürger in Loxstedt
Bürger helfen Bürgern e.V. is a nonprofit association of voluntary working citizens in my hometown Loxstedt. We organize for example "die Kleiderkammer" and "die Tafel" which provide clothes and food to low-income Loxstedt residents and also help for the elderly and our kids. More information can be found at: bhb.loxstedt.net


I am particularly interested in the "People photography", the Germans in the portrait comes closest. The focus is the human being with what makes him what inspired him and what drives him. Two years ago I started again after a long "abstinence" with photography. Here I make the photos more intense today with a focus on emotions. With mid-40s I am neither young nor old, neither naïve nor old fashion. Surely I am not a professional and my equipment is also "only" semi-professional. But, one of my favorite sayings:

"The ark was built by the simplest means of lay,
the Titanic by professionals on the highest technical level of its time ".

What makes an image interesting?
In my opinion it is the man or woman, that I photograph. The image gets a kind of "tension" from what he or she touches, from the interaction between model and photographer during the shoot and the context in which the image is created.

If everything fits together, the result is a "good" photo. But "good" of course, is always an assessment of the observer. As in a painting also, there is always the interplay between subjective experience and personal preference, whether I like a picture or not. It does not matter how expensive an image is known or as an "artist" is. The only thing that matters is that it touched ME. Nothing else counts - unless you want to make an investment and the image is to your financial wealth increase. Then you should listen to the others, for they are later "the others", which should make the money easy.

Feel free to visit my profile at Fotocommunity:
Link zur Fotocommunity

© Carsten Bachert 2019
